10 Tips 4 Your Family to be More Active this Spring

10 Tips 4 Your Family to be More Active this Spring

Spring is such a beautiful time of year in Iowa. The winter weather is becoming an afterthought, the birds are out, and the landscape is beginning to bud out its spring foliage. It’s hard to believe that with warmer weather and more daylight, there are still many of us who need a little extra push to get outside. Let this article serve as your reminder that this is the perfect time of year to focus on physical family wellness. Use these tips to break out of your winter routines and help your family be more active this spring.

10 Tips 4 Staying Active with Your Family this Spring

  1. Take a class together.  Try yoga, tennis, golf or another activity that both kids and parents can do together.
  2. Have a hula hoop, jump rope or hopscotch contest.  Do one each week and create some kind of “traveling trophy” that goes to the victor.
  3. Make over your meal plan and get the entire family involved.  Take a trip to a local farmers’ market and let the kids pick out their own fruits and veggies and then let them help prepare a meal or two.
  4. Do yard work together as a family. Clean out planting beds, get the shrubs and garden ready for the growing season and allow your kids to help.
  5. Start planning one to two family walks or bike rides per week.  Go for a walk or ride after school, after dinner or on the weekend.
  6. Plan a family picnic at a local park on Saturday or Sunday.
  7. Enroll your kids in a spring recreation sports league and sign yourself up for one too.
  8. Plan a fun outing that keeps you moving, like a trip to the zoo.
  9. Invite others to join you.  It’s fun to spend time with friends and staying active.  Go bowling or set up a fun obstacle course in your backyard.
  10. Head to your local park.  Play on the equipment, fly a kite, rollerblade or play a game of catch.

Don’t forget that, as adults, we are role models for our kids. If we can schedule in physical activity and make our health a priority, then our children will see that it’s important to stay active for their health and wellbeing.

Remember, keep it simple and keep it fun. Turn spring in to the season of making new family memories together through regular physical activity.



How do you stay active as a family?  Share your tips with us in the Comments below.