Discover Exciting Ways to Celebrate Each Month in the New Year!

Discover Exciting Ways to Celebrate Each Month in the New Year!

After the excitement of ringing in the New Year, many of us struggle with the January blues.  The festive atmosphere of the holiday season dissipates, giving way to the hazy days of winter. However, each month of the new year brings something to celebrate.  Whether it’s enjoying food, honoring animals or just being silly, this guide introduces 12 distinctive and enjoyable days to commemorate, ensuring the festivities persist throughout the year.

Explore our Winter Fun Guide and Events Calendar to ensure your family stays entertained not only throughout winter but all year round.

Now, mark your calendars for a year-round schedule of family fun!

January 13 – National Rubber Ducky Day

Join the festivities on January 13 to celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day, inspired by the iconic yellow bath toy. The significance of this date stems from a 1973 episode of Sesame Street, where the 13th of January was circled on a calendar to honor the beloved rubber ducky.

Make the day memorable by counting, collecting, or indulging in a relaxing bath in the company of your favorite rubber ducky.

February 20 – National Love Your Pet Day

On February 20, it’s time to shower extra love on your family pet, be it a dog, cat, or even a fish. This day is dedicated to expressing affection for your fur (or not so furry) babies.

Encourage your kids to pamper your pet with special treats, cuddles, and new toys, taking a moment to reflect on the unique and special bond you share with your beloved companion.

March 1-2 – National Day of Unplugging

From sundown on March 1 to sundown on March 2, 2023 this period encourages families to disconnect from technology and reconnect as people.

Embrace a device-free dinner party and stow away your phone. Utilize this time to unplug, unwind, and truly relax.

April 9 – National Unicorn Day

Celebrate the most beloved mythical creature nationwide on April 9 – National Unicorn Day. The unicorn symbolizes magic, fantasy, and happiness. Take the opportunity to explore its appearances in ancient cultures such as those of the Celts, Romans, and Persians.

Engage in activities like drawing pictures, reading books, and showcasing your favorite clothing items adorned with the enchanting creature.

May 31 – National Smile Day

Turn that frown upside down and smile! Flash a beautiful grin at home, school, and in your neighborhood.

Little ones can count how many smiles they see throughout the day on a clipboard, while bigger kids can be encouraged to simply smile to brighten someone’s day.

June 17 – National Eat Your Vegetables Day

This day is all about making more vegetables a part of your healthy diet.  You can encourage your kids to incorporate more greens with these fun activities.

Arrange a vegetable taste test for kids to sample different veggies. Make it a playful challenge by blindfolding them and letting them guess the vegetables based on taste and texture.

Discover Exciting Ways to Celebrate Each Month in the New Year! –

July 21 – National Ice Cream Day

Did you know that President Reagan established the third Sunday of July as National Ice Cream Day back in 1984?

Beat the summer heat and treat yourself to a scoop or two from your favorite ice cream spot.  Engage your family in discussions about their favorite flavors or brainstorm new and exciting combinations to try.

August 8 – Global Sleep Under the Stars Night

On this special night, embrace the magic of the cosmos and spend an enchanting evening under the stars.

Pitch a tent in your backyard or simply bundle up under blankets. Dive into the wonders of the night sky by reading books about constellations or grab a flashlight to create your own celestial patterns. Enjoy the serenity of the outdoors as you turn your gaze upward.

September 19 – Talk Like A Pirate Day

Ahoy, matey! Spend the day talking like your favorite swashbuckler.

Whether you don an eye patch, embark on a quest for buried treasure, or indulge in some chocolate gold coins, you and your little buccaneers will walk the plank to celebrate this whimsical day. Shiver me timbers and let the pirate adventures begin!

October 5 – National Do Something Nice Day

On this day, encourage your family to spread kindness in both big and small ways.

Show appreciation by giving compliments, extend courtesy by holding the door for someone, express love and gratitude by writing a letter to a relative, or leave surprise gift cards at the library. Embrace the spirit of generosity and make October 5 a day filled with thoughtful and uplifting gestures.

November 14 – National Family PJ Day

Who doesn’t want to spend the day in their favorite PJs? It’s a day for relaxation, warmth, and making memories in your coziest sleepwear!

Dress in matching or mismatched pajamas, then either catch up on some extra sleep or snuggle up for a cozy day. Don’t forget to involve your pets in too! And if you’re really planning ahead, seize the opportunity to capture a perfect holiday photo in your comfy attire.

December 13 – National Cocoa Day

Embrace the winter season by treating yourself to a comforting cup of hot chocolate.

Explore the origins of cocoa, believed to have started with the Mayans as early as 500 B.C. To add a delightful twist, engage your family in a taste test to determine the perfect topping—whether it be marshmallows or whipped cream.