Red vs. the Wolf Laughternoon

March 12, 2022 @ 2:00 pm
Class Act Productions
201 1st Ave S
Altoona, IA 50009
$6 for children and $10 for adults
Class Act Productions Community Theatre
(515) 967-7950

We’ve all heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood.  But how often has it been told from the Wolf’s point of view?  Yes, this kind, sensitive wolf is upset, for he has been maligned by society because of a story that has been repeated to generations of children.  He is determined to tell the story as it really happened, of the true nature of Red Riding Hood and his own good intentions.  This hilarious story will show your audience that there are two sides to every story.

Suggested ages are 3 years old to adults!  Tickets just $6 for children and $10 for adults.


We are monitoring the recommendations by the CDC for mitigation to reduce the risk of illness transmission.  Due to our small theatre space, we are unable to provide socially distanced seating, but we are implementing the following mitigation efforts:

  • Reduced audience sizes to 75% of capacity to allow patrons to spread out as much as possible.
  • Increasing the amount and frequency of cleaning between shows.
  • Requiring masks for all volunteers and audience members when not actively eating/drinking.
  • Reduced the size of the cast to improve safety backstage.
  • Increased airflow for our HVAC system and purchased air purifiers to clean air regularly.