Fun Groundhog Day Activities for Des Moines Kids

Fun Groundhog Day Activities for Des Moines Kids

Groundhog Day is celebrated every year on February 2nd in both the United States and Canada. The folklore states that on February 2nd if a groundhog emerges from his hole and fails to see his shadow, he will leave his burrow – signifying that winter will end soon. But if the groundhog does see his shadow he will retreat down into his burrow, and winter will last for another 6 weeks!

Whether or not the groundhog has any insight about the weather is debatable — he’s only been right 39% of the time since 1887, so his track record isn’t great — but it’s still a fun tradition for families to enjoy together.

If you’re looking for some fun ways to get out of the house this winter, be sure to visit our Events Calendar or sign up for our Weekend Fun Guide.

dsm4kids rounded up some fun and unique ways that you can celebrate Groundhog Day with your kids, including fun crafts, recipes and activities.

Groundhog Day Craft Ideas

While the accuracy of his prediction is a bit of a toss-up, kids will still get a kick out of some groundhog-inspired crafts. We’ve saved all of these fun ideas on our Winter Crafts & Activities 4 Kids Pinterest board.

Fun Groundhog Day Activities for Des Moines Kids –

Groundhog Day Recipe Ideas

Groundhog Day isn’t the kind of holiday that calls for extravagant meals or family get-togethers, but it is the perfect excuse to have a little fun with food. You can also celebrate the day with some warm comfort food since, we may be in for more winter (boo!).

Groundhog Day Activity Ideas

Below we’ve put together a short list of Groundhog Day activities you can do at home, as well as a few events being hosted by local Des Moines area organizations and businesses.

And of course, don’t forget to tune into your favorite news source on February 2, 2022, to find out whether or not Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow! Happy Groundhog Day!